Second Amendment: School Shootings
After researching the Second Amendment regarding gun laws and connecting it to my choice of looking into school shootings, it is clear there are very many mixed opinions on the cause. Some think that the ability to get access to guns is too loosely restricted and should be immensely increased, while many others think that the primary reason is mental health issues of the shooters. The second amendment allows for people to be armed in order to defend themselves if necessary but there have always been laws regarding prohibition of firearms in places such as schools and the qualifications necessary to purchase weapons. Larger scale school shootings have been becoming more common while at the same time the percentage of households in America that have guns in them has been decreasing since 1978 (51% to 36%). Since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012, about 90% of the public polls support the idea of universal background checks and upper fifty percentages were recorded for bans of specific assault-style firearms. Eventually both laws failed to pass and people continue to feel unheard and unsafe in America. These events are becoming so eminent in today's society and it's sad because people continue to support these laws, eventually something has got to change so why not compromise instead of losing anymore young and innocent lives? Something will need to be done to prevent this from happening so there must be a way for gun enforcement to be improved where these mentally unstable people are purchasing and purging with them, while there should also be a form of perhaps background checks or something to fix this idea of such people with a horrible mental illness to make someone want to hurt so many young children so viciously. My question following this is: Why can't everyone see how serious of a problem this is in our nation and what can we personally do to help aid that and compromise on a way that makes schools and the world safer for everyone?
Chapman, Roger. "School Shootings." Culture Wars in America: An Encyclopedia of Issues, Viewpoints, and Voices, edited by Roger Chapman, and James Ciment, Routledge, 2nd edition, 2013. Credo Reference,
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