Thinking About Success
In my opinion hard work is the number one biggest factor in finding success economically. First off, economic success is a unique idea in the sense that most everyone has a different definition for it. Generally economic success is being where one personally wants to be in terms of wealth. I believe opportunity and skill follow in that order. Both opportunity and skill directly relate to hard work as working hard can improve both greatly. Working harder as a younger student in life can give better opportunities as one grows older and provide ones self with better skills to have and progress at a earlier stage in life. Luck follows behind in last as the least effective ingredient for success. This relates to the fact that luck is purely a lack of knowledge and just simple good coincidence. For example one can win the lottery by luck, giving them the wealth to believe they are economically successful, but honestly they have worked for non of it so there is no actual factor of "success" in that new gained wealth. In general, when one works hard and puts there mind to something with all their heart and mind, they can get further and have a better chance at succeeding rather than sitting there lazily waiting for success to come to them.

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