Challenges of Native Americans - Wind River

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Map of wind river reserve
      After reading a few articles regarding the challenges facing Native Americans in the communities in Wind River with abundant crime, it's obvious "There has always been the horrendous murder. There has always been the white-Indian tension. It’s always been something.” Offenses that might have been ignored before were the apparent cause of the rise in violent crime according to the Bureau of Indian Affairs on The New York Times article. Drug addiction and poverty are also two struggles facing the Native Americans in this Wyoming Reservation. The film Wind River illustrates the problem there is of young Native American women being targeted by predators and murdered as a man finds the frozen body of one when hunting and eventually helps the FBI investigate as he lost his own daughter as well, as described in an article by National Public Radio. Another article I read about the death of two young Native American girls on the same reserve on CNN mentions how the deaths highlighted the lack of law enforcement and youth services on the reserve and around the area, the only six officers being stationed 30 miles away. The crime and lack of justice that surrounds this Native American community in Wind River display many difficult struggles having to be dealt with often by these people on the reserve.
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Scene from Wind River movie


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