Slave Narrative Research

    After reading some of Solomon Northup's narrative, I have gained some more detailed insight into his life as a slave. His history is interesting as his family was slave as well, though in Rhode Island in the past. One person from his family left and moved to New York, bringing with them Solomon's father, Mintus. As Solomon was raised in freedom by his father being the first in his family, he still ends up being a salve at some point being kidnapped. This was so interesting and heartbreaking, gaining a further knowledge of how the lives of slaves can vary from when they were born to their time as slaves. This makes me wonder: how often would such scenarios happen, where a free African American is just kidnapped brought down to the South? I had never really thought of such things happening before this movie and seeing his narrative just makes it even more real and shows the entirety of the horrible situation. I wonder if Solomon had ever any opportunity of writing back to his family, if so why he did not? What were the motives of the kidnappers to come from so far just to kidnap slaves, like solomon, with all the other current slaves down south?


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