
In-Class Write

1. After watching Lee Daniels’ The Butler, it is obvious that the film contains many real issues that were faced in the history of our country. America has had a long struggle with racism ever since it was founded, then a war even derived from the issue, the Civil War. This caused ripples all throughout the entire nation as people wanted everyone to have equal rights as stated in the Constitution. It deals with simple discrepancies in freedoms such as work hours and salaries differed between white and black employees. After watching and researching this film, I can see that this was the highlighted issue and the Civil Rights Movement was a common theme following the entire movie. This was the case simply because some people in America had the thought in their minds that one race was superior to another; this was due to White Supremacy. An article on stated that The Butler is not a movie - “It’s A Movement.” Lee Daniels was the focus of this article as he went over some of his...

Annotated Sources

ANNOTATED SOURCES Lee Daniels' The Butler : Film research based on; I chose this because I have always been interested in the reconstruction of America after the civil war and the abundance of the Civil Rights Movement in this film gave me that new perspective. "The True Story of 'The Butler'" : This gave me more information regarding the true story behind the movie and the relationship between that and what was portrayed. "'The Butler': 'It's Not A Movie - It's A Movement'" : I gained more insight on the actual severity of the issues displayed that was not only on screen, but that the director and actors felt as well. Daniels' speaks of times where he was scared and even the actors were as this was "the hardest thing he's ever done." "President Reagan's Son Attacks 'Lee Daniels' The Butler'" : I gained more information regarding...


MENU (Images linked) Homestyle Biscuits Early in the movie the whole Gaines family was eating at the dinner table and had biscuits as a pre-meal starter and they are also a stereotypical breakfast food as well. Potato Salad with Dill A starter typically made my Gloria in the movie with Dill to add flavor as Pickles take flavor away on the other hand. Sweet Potatoes made with Orange Juice Side dish made by Gloria at the dinner table later in the story with the whole family, Orange juice added into the mix to make more tart. Fried Chicken A typical entree made in the movie as the Gaines prepared when they had some friends and neighbors come over one night, as well as a meal stereotypically favored by African Americans. Filet Mignon The main entree of the family style dinner party; the fresh cut meat represents the freshness of colored people becoming free in America as they still struggled in the movie with racial issues very often. ...


EXHIBIT (Images linked) A copy of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the American Constitution These amendments to the constitution were how slavery legally ended, though it was obviously not gone in regards to Racism in America. These documents show the first legal steps to trying to solve this significant nationwide issue that triggered many of the ideas highlighted in the film. Freedom Riders Jailing Newspaper Article Articles such as these exemplify the struggles faced by Louis in the film as he was a Freedom Rider. He was constantly arrested with other protesters and was locked on his idea of whatever he could do to help weaken the issue of white supremacy in America. Black Panther Party Political Newspaper Ad Common advertisements like such were abundant in the time that this film is set to and this political party was continuing to grow. Louis became a part of this and is even displayed as being one of the first to help found the party orig...


GUESTS This event will be formal including a black tie attire as butlers were required to wear a tuxedo everyday on duty in the White House. Cecil Gaines Main character in The Butler , worked in the White House for 34 years and multiple presidents  until 1986 . Gloria Gaines Cecil's wife who was there with him through his entire journey as a butler at the wife house having to care for their two sons through some of his days with long hours. Louis Gaines Cecil's oldest son who grew up to become a Black Panther and be a very involved radical political individual who went to jail multiple times. Charlie Gaines Cecil's youngest son who grew to become a more patriotic individual and joined the military only to die in the Vietnam War. Carter Wilson One of Cecil's best friends who worked along side him as a butler in the White House and was very outgoing and helped to get Louis out of jail once before as well. James Holloway Another  ...

Future Progress

"1955 Atomic Flying Car"      The future was always an interesting topic to people in history, so it is intriguing for me to read about predictions people have had. After reading the article on BBC , it's crazy how accurate some were. The man in 1900 that is being exhibited made accurate prediction for one hundred years in the future, like colored digital photos, mobile phones, rising heights of Americans, preprepared meals, population growth, television, and tanks. These were all more "wish list" type predictions rather than warnings, and these were of those that came true. On Smithsonian , fifty year predictions were made in 1952. It was predicted that there would be no other world war in this era and that the world would be continuously increasing in wealth and prosperity, at the same time the threat of overpopulation would no longer be a problem. There was another where someone predicted space travel to be much more casual and people to take daily trips ...

Progressive Era

     Progress is defined as forward or onward movement to an objective or goal on Merriam-Webster . According to the George Washington University , the progressive era was around from 1890-1920. On  Library of Congress ,  t his was further explained as business expansion and progressive reforms were so common and abundant during this time in the early 20th century: " The progressives, as they called themselves, worked to make American society a better and safer place in which to live." People generally wanted to make the nation a place with equal treatment for everyone, which includes women finally getting the right to vote in this time period. Some were even working to help preserve resources and the  environment. They worked to clean up government policies, regulate business, and improve typical working and living conditions. Essential goals worth striving for include ones such as civil rights issues like finally getting women the rig...